Journal of Innovations

      ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online)

 A platform of the innovators, by the innovators, and for the innovators

Welcome to the Journal of Innovations!

The Journal of Innovations (JOI) is a new peer-reviewed publication dedicated to publishing high-quality articles in all areas of innovation relevance. JOI is an open access platform that aims to provide researchers, scholars, and practitioners of all backgrounds with a unique forum to share their insights and expertise with a global audience.

What sets JOI apart from other journals is its AI-embracing approach, which allows for the rapid dissemination of new research results and makes the published work highly visible and discoverable. We believe that this approach enables JOI to uncover the wonders of innovation research, expand the base of creation, engage both traditional and non-traditional authors, and broaden the usage of valuable research.

Our innovative editorial board is committed to facilitating creativity in the AI age. We invite you to contribute to the journal and become part of our community of readers, scholars, researchers, and practitioners.

<Innovation-Focus>, <AI-Embracing>, <Student-Friendly>, 

<Broad Uses>, <Global Visibility>, <Rapid Dissemination>

Thank you for your interest in JOI, and we look forward to receiving your contributions. Your submissions will make a valuable impact on the creative and innovative community. 

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