About the Journal

ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online)

The Journal of Innovations (JOI) is both a peer-reviewed scholarly publication dedicated to innovation and a special platform for facilitating creation in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) age. It distinguishes itself from other journals through its operating approach, topic coverage, targeted authorship, journal usage, and consequential impacts.

Journal Mission: Engage more people in innovation studies.

Journal ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online)

Journal DOI:  10.62470/joi23061 

Review Type: Peer-Reviewed.

Open Access: JOI is an Open Access Journal.

Library of Congress archiving: https://lccn.loc.gov/2023200229 

Publisher: Mustrs LLC.

Publication Language: English.

Launch Year: 2023.

Publishing Frequency: Bimonthly (6 issues per year). Articles will be published on an ongoing basis after being processed, which means there will be no delay period for accepted articles to be published online.

Article Processing Charges (APCs): US$100. Waiver for APCs is possible.

Paper Submission: Submit your manuscript to info@journalofinnovations.com

Uniqueness: Discover how JOI differs from other journals in various aspects. 

Coverage: Understand JOI's sharp focus and wide coverage.

Usage: Explore multiple users and uses of the journal.

Indexing: Trace the journal's inclusion and impact. 

Open Access Journal: Find information about open access. 

Contact US: Voice all your concerns and requests.