Open Access Journal
ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online)
Open Access Journal Information
The Journal of Innovations (JOI) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal. ISSN: 2837-9950 (Online); DOI: 10.62470/joi23061
User Rights
All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy, and distribute. Permitted reuse is defined by your choice of one of the following user licenses:
□ The Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND (Default License): $0 USD. The article will be published as open access under the terms of the latest CC BY-NC-ND License ( This license permits sharing the article with an appropriate citation for non-commercial purposes, but any modifications to the content and commercial reuse are not allowed without obtaining written permission from the Journal of Innovations Editorial Office ( There is no fee for this license.
For possible usage of JOI among different stakeholders, please visit Journal Usage.
Author Rights
For open access publishing, this journal uses an exclusive licensing agreement. Authors will retain copyright alongside scholarly usage rights, and JOI will be granted publishing and distribution rights.
A blank copy of the exclusive license agreement is available to download here. Authors need to read the terms, fill in, sign, and send it to JOI. This Agreement comes into effect if the author’s paper is accepted for publication.
Sharing Your Article Correctly. Sharing and promoting your article forms an important part of research, fostering the exchange of scientific information in your field and allowing your paper to contribute to wider scientific, technological, and managerial progress. Additionally, bringing your research and accomplishments to the attention of a broader audience makes you more visible in your field. This helps you garner more citations, enabling you to cultivate a stronger reputation, promote your research, and advance in your career.
As an author, you benefit from sharing the appropriate version of your article, ensuring that: you always receive credit – you need to be cited accurately; and the integrity of the scientific record is not compromised – you should always direct readers to the most up-to-date version of your article – a link to the published journal article.
Promoting Your Articles Responsibly. Authors can use the following options to promote their articles: at a conference, for classroom teaching purposes, for grant applications, with your colleagues, on your personal blog or website, on your institutional repository, on a subject repository (or other non-commercial repository), on a scholarly collaboration network, or social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
Author Obligations
Authors need to ensure that their article is the author’s original work, has not been published in English before, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Authors need to ensure that they adhere to ethical research practices, including obtaining appropriate approvals for human or animal subjects, obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material, declaring any conflicts of interest, and ensuring the accuracy of data and results. Authors need to ensure that their article contains no libelous or unlawful statements and in no way infringes the rights of others.
Authors need to ensure that their article is compliant with the requirements of JOI for quality papers. For details, please visit the Author Center.
Article Publishing Charges
JOI does not charge any fees for authors, including article publishing changers, to publish their quality articles.
Repository Policy
JOI is committed to the long-term preservation of its content, ensuring continuous access to its scholarly articles. This Repository Policy outlines our commitment and the methods employed.
Content Preservation: JOI employs a multi-faceted approach to preserve digital content over time, ensuring that our scholarly articles are accessible to future generations of researchers. All articles published in JOI will be preserved at JOI Archives Additionally, the Library of Congress archives JOI's digital content at, guaranteeing the integrity and long-term accessibility of our content. As an additional measure, JOI utilizes ResearchGate and other digital platforms, providing redundancy to further secure the availability of our digital content.
Withdrawal Policy: JOI recognizes the importance of the integrity of the scholarly record. Articles published will only be withdrawn under exceptional circumstances, such as: (1) Legal infringements, (2) False or inaccurate data that could pose a risk to public health, or (3) Plagiarism or serious ethical violations. Withdrawn articles will be clearly identified, and the reasons for withdrawal will be stated.
Partnership with Institutional Repositories: JOI allows authors to deposit all versions of their paper, such as the submitted version, accepted version, and published version, in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo. While JOI encourages authors to do so, it requests that authors acknowledge the Journal of Innovations as the original place of publication and link the work to the DOI provided by the journal.
Continuous Monitoring: JOI is dedicated to continuous monitoring and adapting our repository policy to align with the best practices and standards in digital preservation. We commit to reviewing and updating our policy as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with international standards.
All questions and permission requests should be directed to JOI:
Last updated: January 10, 2025